Gerlinde Staffler, born in Italy, is a language teacher and a writer in her free time.
She studied 4 languages (Italian, German, English, Old Latin) Psychology and Educational Science.
her life experiences she has developed a strong philosophy regarding
life approaches, where being means more than having. All these
experiences have led her to become what she is today, focusing on self
reflection and profound values, filtering the interaction with the world
by them.
She defines her poems mostly as emotional, strongly philosophical and spiritual pieces.
for her is not only a way to express herself, but also a way to
discover and to enter in the deepness of different topics of life; it's a
way of experiencing and expressing life with different modus, an
attempt to comprehend what is intrinsically incomprehensible, a
searching for truth. In her belief Poetry is connected with every area
of life, with every field of knowledge, Science, Psychology, Philosophy,
Anthropologhy, History and so many others. Here subjectivity along with
objectivity makes a creative harmony of feeling beauty.
firstly empirical and emotional, then intellectual and lastly
intuitional. Poetry with his power of immagination, ties souls together
in every part of the world and it let us go out from the ordinary
living, giving a major meaning to life.
Poetry is
movement itself, a continuisly evolving with the time due the different
cultures and ways of life of different unique people.
She recently started translating her and other poet's works into Italian and German.
shares her writings on her personal Fb account and on different Poetry
groups on Fb and on her IG account. Many works have been already
published in different online journals/magazines and in many
She has already won many certificates of excellence and awards from many global Poetry platforms and organisations.
Winged Beats
Take my soul by hand and lead me
Where cheerfully we can fly on feathers
Of mad pleasure of sweetest leisures
Swaying gently through time united as we.
Let's fill our glances with serene laughter
And elate our hearts to heaven's throne
In a world of warmth we'll never feel alone
Then happiness will write a new chapter.
Guided by a tender fragrance along the street
In this hour, bowing to love, we rise
Wrapped in a golden amber of sunrise
In a noiseless tumult of winged beats.
By my Side
In your flickering anxious eyes
I can feel the sun that warmed my heart through life
A magic world wherein you kept me safe
Holding my hand amidst storms and high waves.
Instants of pure feelings greet my soul
As if time never concealed the spell
Love, the answer to all destroying forces
The sole surviver in evanescent sources.
Forever by my side, enlightening the way
I'll feel you everywhere as long in life I stay
In stroking air, in touch with feverish sun
In the smell of earth, in clear water's run.
Your shine in my memory will never fade
An eternal embrace on my walk, I'm unafraid!
(A tribute to my parents)
Zoomed Childhood
How beautiful it was to dunk the nose
In the intimacy of blooming scents
Of wide emotions of spread flowers,
To touch with fresh morning eyes
Shimmering butterflies in festive clothes,
To greet an emerald caterpillar looking up,
To let hover my gaze over flashes of grass,
Wondering if behind the green curtains
My zooming vision can enlarge the world
For the beauty of small graceful pleasures
Bouncing around in a self made paradise
Of laughter, joy and wide open eyes
Our hearts were gladdened by sunny smiles,
Barefoot we conquered the surrounding space,
Muddy, stony, dirty brown, on the surface,
We were regularly one with the explored place.
Wild and free, bustling like honeybees
We circled, we ran, we climbed trees
From there we looked up towards heaven
Grabbing the planes in an outspread blue,
Pulling and pushing myriads of silky clouds,
In afternoons when the calm hung out there
Our chattering voices filled the quiet air.
Ephemeral Dances
I watch softly flying petals painted in pink
Without gravity hovering above the ground
Displaying leaps to wind's whistling sound
From time to time melancholically to earth they sink