International Literature
POET- Roula Pollard Open like the ky dome, on the day of Bapti m love i a miracle from heaven a daily miracle of light and celebration fully tar lit ky, cented morning of hope honey uckle by the window of the oul and nature moon lit ky during it fullne cour e around the body of the..
আরও পড়ুনBeautifully done - Scott Thomas Outlar
poet - Scott Thoma OutlarI prayed that your ong would in pire a word or two hadow of the moon, humming glow half your , half mine tithing each mile to the and in your teeth trying to meet each per on wherever they are on their own path while never forgetting our reckle ly we cri cro and..
আরও পড়ুনSworn - Catherine Zickgraf
poet- Catherine ZickgrafYour bone once oared an ocean, on,then you were lured away and bornI relinqui hed you, cho e it, worn and recordedThere i joy for ome, while other mournYou are your parent ’ orange orchard,their garden of corn, an ordained rewardFor though they birthed their fir t two..
আরও পড়ুনDistant drums - John Smallshaw
poet- John Small haw Confe you're a me and that you're worth much more than la t night' clothe trewn over thi morning' floor I'm doing the pick-me-up Alka Seltzer in a China cup, ( becau e everything' made in China, except for my hangover ) Never again, he aid, above the jackhammer..
আরও পড়ুনI Hear America Singing - WALT WHITMAN
I hear America inging, the varied carol I hear, Tho e of mechanic , each one inging hi a it hould be blithe and trong, The carpenter inging hi a he mea ure hi plank or beam, The ma on inging hi a he make ready for work, or leave off work, The boatman inging what belong to him in..
আরও পড়ুনMY UNPLEASANT DREAM - Kezang Dawa
poet- Kezang Dawa After many year of broken heart I had a dream of her la t night I wa alone at home with no light She wore a beautiful dre Bewitching face, delighted my eye with beam of happine She came with fetching miled We hugged each other felt tightne Tender che t bounced..
আরও পড়ুনpoems by Eliza Segiet
Eliza Segiet&nb p; graduated with a&nb p;Ma ter' Degree&nb p;in Philo ophy, completed po tgraduate tudie in Cultural Knowledge, Philo ophy, Art and Literature at Jagiellonian Univer ityAuthor’ poem Que tion won the title of the International Publication of the Year (2017) in Spillword P..
আরও পড়ুনpoems by Faleeha Hassan
Tonight When I entered my apartment The tair were lying like tired men after a hard day' work The door a yawning mouth My TV wa li tening intently to the port new ca t And Like a huge fat woman, the couch wa itting on the floor&nb p; Hardly..
আরও পড়ুনpoems by FRANCISCO MUÑOZ SOLE
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আরও পড়ুনPOEMS BY Michael Graves
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আরও পড়ুনPOEMS BY Chinedu Jonathan Ichu
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আরও পড়ুনpoems by Emile Pinet
A Dagger Driven Deep You ummon dream to take you to your private place, where anity drift , unraveling memorie A deep peace over hadow feeling of helple ne and conformity And you go to a particular place, where there i an infinite well of torie , filled with the impetuou of youth, love,..
আরও পড়ুনPoems By Scott Thomas Outlar
Indigo &nb p; &nb p; I prayed that your ong would in pire a word &nb p; or two &nb p; hadow of the moon, humming glow &nb p; half your , half mine &nb p; tithing each mile to the and in your teeth &nb p; trying to meet each..
আরও পড়ুনPoems By Gianfranco Aurilio
Gianfranco Aurilio wa born in Rome, Italy After graduating in a Humanitie -centred econdary chool,he earned hi Law degree from the “La Sapienza” Univer ity of Rome He ha written thirteen collection &nb p;of poetry and hi poetry ha been publi hed in everal national and international ant..
আরও পড়ুনPoems By Carman Benoit
The Party’ All Gone &nb p; You died way too young But you lived to long You got tuck cleaning Bottle when the party’ all gone &nb p; With duty on your back And loving on the floor Mind going crazy Wanting what it wa before &nb p; Golden boy don..
আরও পড়ুনpoems by Joanna Svensson
A SHORT BIO &nb p; Joanna Sven on i a wedi h poet, writer and noveli t Sheha been writing and publi hing her work ever ince her early teen A a poet he ha at pre ent five publi hed book of poetry of which twoare publi hed in the USA in 2019 A a writer two large fiction..
আরও পড়ুনA cluster of poems by Kumar Chakraborty
Biography - Kumar Charaborty Kumar Chakraborty i a poet, e ayi t and tran lator He wa born in Cumilla, in the year of 1964 Currently he live in DhakaHi work include ix volume of ver e , five volume of e ay on art and literature, a volume on the tudy of uicide and five..
আরও পড়ুনমাহমুদ কিয়ানুশের এর কবিতা । অনুবাদ: তানভীর রাসেল
উত্তর-পূর্ব ইরানের মাসহাদ শহরে ১৯৩৪ সালে মাহমুদ কিয়ানুশের জন্ম। তেহরান বিশ্ববিদ্বালয় থেকে ইংরেজী ভাষা ও সাহিত্যে স্নাতক এই কবি কবিতার পাশাপাশি ছোটগল্প, উপন্যাস এবং সমালোচনা সাহিত্যেও সিদ্ধহস্ত। ইরান সরকারের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ পদে চাকুরী করেছেন মাহমুদ কিয়ানুশ। “সোখান” এবং “সাদাফ” নামক দুটি প্রতি..
আরও পড়ুনA cluster of poems by Pias Majid
t1\:{behavior:url(#ieooui) } / Style Definition / tableM oNormalTable {m o- tyle-name:"Table..
আরও পড়ুনpoems by Eduard Harents
Eduard Harent , born in 1981, i a famou poet He live in Yerevan, Armenia He ha graduated from Yerevan State Univer ity, the faculty of Oriental Studie and Cairo Univer ity Center of Arabic Language and Culture Harent i an author of 10 poem collection He ha been publi hed in..
আরও পড়ুন