Gianfranco Aurilio was born in Rome, Italy. After graduating in a Humanities-centred secondary school,
he earned his Law degree from the “La Sapienza” University of Rome. He has written thirteen collections
of poetry and his poetry has been published in several national and international anthologies and magazines.
The ideal love
I traveled the world
and wore my eyes out
looking for you,
asking the sun
not to set
so I could have more time
and the moon not to sink
so I could keep dreaming of you
and you were here,
right around the corner from home.
Mosaic of love
There isn’t a single part
of your body
that I don’t love,
just like the sea
loves its deepest gorges,
the mountain
its smallest rocks
and the river
its most hidden inlets.
And if you ask me
what I love most about you,
I would tell you
to ask the sun
to name its most beautiful sunset.
I learned to walk
on glass floors,
to weigh words
as though they were gold,
to listen to the tiniest sounds
of the hearts of those
who talked to me
but I still haven't learned to fly
as feathers do.